League of Legends meme refering to the Marksman Role being considered as useless and similar comparable as a minion with more gold reward or meaning dealing minor DPS to anyone
Vayne Player: What the Fuck? I literally deal any damage to you.
Malphite: LUL... Classic ADC in 2k17
Vayne Player: ALLCHAT: *Death Recap* - 1,4k Damage within 0.87 sec
Talon: Get memed son.
League of Legends meme refering to the Marksman Role being considered as useless and similar comparable as a minion with more gold reward or him dealing minor DPS to anyone.
Vayne Player: What the Fuck? I deal literally 0 Damage to you...
Malphite: LUL. ADC in 2k17
Vayne Player: ALLCHAT: *Death Recap* - 1,4 k Damage within 0.87 sec.
Talon: Living up the meme. Honor this guy.