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shit spinner

someone who talks a load of rubbish

"You are a shit spinner!"

by ANONymous May 5, 2003

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. a song by the amazing band Sigur Ros that deals with elves at bed time.

2. A feeling of complete relaxation

man 1:i feel like i'm floating in an ocean with creatures of light swimming all around me

man 2: that's called staralfur man...

by ANONymous February 2, 2005

57πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Someone who believes in a totalitarian world rule with an American Christo-theocratic party dictating legislation based on limited interpretation of scripture they consider applicable. Applicable scripture is limited to scripture in which they personally are willing to impose on others regardless of whether they, themselves, personally adhere to it in private.

Derived from a contraction of the words Fundamentalist and Evangelical.

James Dobson, Pat Robertson & Fred Phelps are leaders in the fundagelical movement.

by ANONymous April 21, 2005

87πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


some guy that everyone pays out and sometime even pays himself out

Ahhhh Silleto has faggoty hands

by ANONymous October 15, 2003

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


To do a DOX is to rox some cox

Will you dox my cox?

by ANONymous June 6, 2003

35πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž


1) A small, promiscuous asian girl with a high tolerance for grief and a considerably immature sense of humor (despite what she may want people to think).

2) Gurt-ball - One who exibits ALL of the trait characteristics of a Gurt.

You even made out with Dave! You'd totally do everyone in this building you Gurt-ball!

by ANONymous March 1, 2005

15πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A small green infection on the side of a platipi's scot.

fungo 5

by ANONymous February 20, 2003

9πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž