Wild Wild Will or known to his ho's affectionatley as "baby face" is the martial arts specialist driver for hardcore rapper The Notorious F.L.A. He is not only known for is elegant use of the trolley poll but also for his frequent arrests for "man whoring". With the combined sexiness of "sexy seb" and the ganster rap sounds of "the notorious F.L.A" Wil Wild Will is unstoppable ont he streets of perth.
Will, Will , remember me! oh...
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One who wears tweed and pink shoes. (see fatass)
I feel like a tipthey couladin
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Llama Man is a super hero who fights along with Camel Lady, Green Moose, and Badgerina Ballerina. Llama Man has a very strong attack of Bio 2.
Whoa! Look at that! Llama Man just knocked out her team members with Bio 2!
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High-class when pertaining to cars. Especially the detailing and rims.
Yo, that boy's Escalade is chromed out.
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to have hot passionate sex as neo and trinity do in the beginning of reloaded
"hows that for hot passionate sex?" - the guy
"go watch neo and trinity and learn how to do it matrix style..." - the girl
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