Source Code


1. Explicit lesbian relationships in anime or manga
2.To be the first to do something. Derived from Yuri Gagarin, first human in space.

1. Makoto and Ami of Sailor Moon have long been suspected of being involved in a yuri subplot.
2.Bob pulled a Yuri and leapt from the second story of the building to the first to save time. Nobody had ever done that before.

by ANoNyMoUs August 26, 2003

2289πŸ‘ 622πŸ‘Ž


jake daniels wet the bed at night

by ANoNyMoUs March 21, 2003

43πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


wimp,pansy, thats all we cansay really, hes about 8ft

by ANoNyMoUs September 22, 2003

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A blast off a key.

Hey grab la chingadera and set me up with a key blurb.

by ANoNyMoUs April 13, 2003

1πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Pee Hole

The hole at the tip of the penis from which comes either a hot sticky secretion or a smelly yellow one.

by ANoNyMoUs April 10, 2003

108πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


The same group of people who run Bangbus
going around and tricking straight men into having sex with a homosexual.

HAHA! Look at that stupid fucking loser that fell for the baitbus.

by ANoNyMoUs July 29, 2003

89πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


1-Pot smoker, self righteous
2- Idiot, low IQ

You are such a vancouverite.
Stop being a vancouverite and get on with it.

by ANoNyMoUs September 15, 2003

38πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž