Neither good nor evil but a mix between the two.
1.(Positive) " That man is a crix man. While all the pasifists wanted to avoid the violence he saved that poor woman from her attackers with no issue of putting them each down ruthlessly. With such a dark act he did good."
2. (Negative) " Jeff is too damn Crix. I know he's a good person but another side of him has so much hatred. I hope he doesn't lose his crixness and completely lose himself to darkness."
3. (Crix not neutral) I am not neutral and I despise evil. Yet valiant good seems to have become a facade. I will just accept that I am. I want to do good and good for others. But do not think it weakness. For you may see a side of me you never knew I was capable of."
A sexually active and horny female.
(HER) âBaby, Iâm so horny I want you to fuck me.
(HIM) â We just finished fucking for 3 hours straight 30 mins ago...... Fine take your panties off you fucking horn bun.
1) Someone who creates music with the true wisdom of self and the initial understanding of the deepest objective truth.
2) Someone who found their purpose of existing and place their wisdom in music.
3) (Esoteric Definition) The combination of 1 and 2 brings this dimension into sight while the combination of 2 and 3 can make you see it differently.
Man, after hearing that song I haven't been the same. I can't explain it but it had me trippin. That wasn't flow that was Deiflow!