A label given to a person, or group of people who hate/dislike those who belong to a different race. This typically applies to hatred based on skin-color.
The KKK is a racist organization.
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Everything and nothing. Just take a few minutes to think about that and you'll get the point.
It is impossible to know what the ladies want because they can't even make up their own fucking minds for a change.
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An hastily-done abstract drawing. A drawing done without the use of a ruler, compass, or other professional drawing tool.
Every weekend I see some guy at the mall charging five dollars to do a ten-minute sketch of peoples' faces.
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A cartoon channel that only shows half of an anime series, repeats it 50 times, and replaces it with fucking reruns of "A Pup Named Scooby Doo".
Fuck Cartoon Network. I'm gonna go bootleg all my favorite anime shows instead.
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A.K.A: goddammit
Slang for "God damn it". Used in situations relating to anger, annoyance, or frustration.
Oh God dammit! will you shut the fuck up?
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A mediocre singer/rapper who will be forever known as a child molester.
R. Kelly should not be allowed within 500 feet from any children.
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The right to copy. Mistaken by corporate fatasses as a way of preventing the sharing of material, especially material bought by someone else.
There goes the RIAA with its bullshit copyright laws. It's trying to say that I don't own all the music CDs I bought because it burned the songs onto them.
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