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An annual plant, of Eurasian origin, which produces a narcotic drug called opium (typically extracted from immature seed capsules), from which secondary drugs such as heroin and morphine are synthesized. The amount of opium extracted depends on the species/variety of poppy.

Ever wonder why poppy-seed pastries are fairly popular?

The southeast Asians and the Arabs perfected the art of opium poppy growing through thousands of years of cultivation.

by AYB July 30, 2003

381πŸ‘ 260πŸ‘Ž

valley girl

A spoiled, idiotic adolescent female from the southwestern part of the United States, typically rich and white, whose language is insulting to human intelligence.
Proof that the San Andreas fault needs to hurry up with sinking California back into the Pacific Ocean.

Just watch the "Clueless" movie or TV show to see a good example of what a valley girl is.

by AYB June 29, 2003

1835πŸ‘ 777πŸ‘Ž

jumping the shark

A semi-popular phrase for "selling out" or turning into shit.

The Ren and Stimpy show jumped the shark when Nickolodeon bought all the rights to make the show.

by AYB June 20, 2003

82πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

fortune cookie

THe dessert served with Chinese Food.

I believe in the advice of the fortune cookie.

by AYB February 20, 2003

133πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


The capital of the modern-day version of the Roman Empire known as Catholicism

Millions of Catholics visit the Vatican to see the Pope.

by AYB April 8, 2003

63πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

iron maiden

A torture/execution device from Medieval Germany, which consists of an iron coffin lined with spikes on the inside of the doors. The doors were closed SLOWLY so that the accused criminal would suffer maximum pain and anguish, sometimes for days, before finally dying of the resulting puncture wounds and suffocation.

Legend has it that a German coin counterfeiter was sentenced to the Iron Maiden. For the last two days of his life, the forger cried in vain while the spikes went through his body.

by AYB July 3, 2003

138πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


One way to steal what you need without needing to worry about getting caught, since the police are usually too busy beating up the rioters to care.

I got this flatscreen TV, stereo bass system, state-of-the-art computer, and 7-piece furniture set. All from last night's football riot.

by AYB June 20, 2003

34πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž