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A guy that hangs around in acRO...
Funny, amiable and helpful...

Someone: Need a light?

-Aaron- cast ruwach... There you go ^_^

by AaRoN March 17, 2005

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The best underground counterstrike source player. He will be widely known once his talent is recognized.

j1nxx owned me in that cal match last week.

by AaRoN January 30, 2005

6πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Yerming is when one individual has anal sex with another then sucks the cum out the ass with a straw

John didn't like yerming since the last time he did it he puked for the rest of the night

by AaRoN April 24, 2004

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Progression of society.

In the end, a revolution is pointless because the human race will end the world eventually anyway.

Let's fuel the flames of revolution.

The revolution will begin with assassination!

by AaRoN July 6, 2003

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


An evil bitch from anime "Inuyasha" who should be strangled with the restraining necklace, beaten with a very heavy bludgeon, and buried with the "Sit" command.

"Who hates Kagome? I do!"

by AaRoN February 23, 2005

198πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž


a blond haired man who recieves a hot carl, cleavland steamer and a rusty trombone simultaneously.

I was getting together with some friends in sac town and the three of them gave me a reuter,

by AaRoN April 22, 2005

21πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A 50,000 watt radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also can stand for Whole Lotta Watts, because WLW used to have 500,000 watts, the highest power a radio station has ever had.

I was listening to the Reds game on 700 WLW last night.

by AaRoN March 24, 2005

84πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž