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A city in CT (pronounced dairy anne) characterized by preppy douchebags, blonde girls with fake tans, and more wealth amassed than could ever be spent in a lifetime (though the inhabitants try very hard). Darien is NOT like every other city as some would have you believe, rather it is unique in its own self-righteous way. Teenagers in Darien usually have cars worth more than most people make in a year, popped collars, ugg boots and pink khaki shorts. Darien can't compete in any sport save lacrosse but the students are somehow under the impression that they're very good at everything. There's not much to do in Darien so weekends are mostly spent at lame house parties drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and getting high on overpriced drugs. Darienites claim to be very philanthropic but really most inhabitants don't know charity is. Living in Darien is like living in a bubble and as a high school student that moved in I find it amazing how detached from the real world these people are. Darienites can often be seen yelling things such as "GO BLUE WAVE!" or "BLUE WAVE FOR LIFE" or "IM GONNA POP MY COLLAR CUZ IM A PREPPY FUCKTARD!". Not a place that any reasonable person would want to live. If you masturbate with a lacrosse stick, own fifteen pairs of pink khaki pants, and blend money into your pancakes then Darien just might be the place for you.

Darienite: "People who criticize Darien are just jealous! BLUE WAVE FOR LIFE!!"

Everyone Else: "Shut the fuck up you self-righteous cuntsicle. Get off your high horse."

by Ab Antiquo November 26, 2011

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