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Abbreviation for 'My Usual Type'. Used in talent spotting with mates, to point out people you would usually have sex with. A degree of promiscuity is required to use this word without guilt.
Can be used with appropriate adjectives to be more specific.
Compare MIT and MOT

Hey mate! Did you hear what the travel MUT said? I was so busy looking at her, I didn't listen to her at all!

by Abhishek & Russell September 18, 2006

11👍 29👎


Abbreaviation for 'My ideal type'. Used in talent spotting with mates to identify people you would love to have sex with but realise you have no chance. Can be used with appropriate adjectives to specify the individual being described.
Compare MUT and MOT

Fuck, look at the red-sweater chick. She is such a MIT!

by Abhishek & Russell September 18, 2006

17👍 62👎