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Dedicated Jonas Brothers fans

"Dude my little sister is totally Jonated...it's annoying asf

by Absolutely No One October 14, 2012

2👍 1👎


The most popular video-hosting site. Millions of users upload their videos on virtually any subject out there (although nudity is not allowed).

Each video can be rated and commented on, which is not a good idea at all. Most of the comments in almost ANY video consists of 12-year old kids with no spelling or grammar skills; 30+ year old pseudo-intellectuals who try to tell everyone else how they're right and the others are wrong; racists; or people who just like to pick fights for no reason. If for whatever reason you feel like losing a few brain cells and want to look at the comments, be prepared to see a lot of "noob", "faggot", "gay", "Republican/Democrat", or "nigger" being used.

Aside from the comments, Youtube used to be a decent place, until the following started happening:

1. WMG started deleting music videos and muting videos with ANY piece of audio by any of the music artists under their labels
2. Viacom sued Google, which Youtube is owned by, having them delete many videos of TV shows
3. The majority of the user base became 14-year old tween girls obsessed with Twilight and the Jonas Brothers
4. Fred became the most popular user. Seriously, that alone is reason to avoid this place like the black plague.

Now, there is almost nothing left worth watching on Youtube, except for maybe some Failblog videos, Youtube Poops, or music videos of bands NOT owned by WMG. And even these can be ruined just by looking at the comments. It can be the most non-provoking, non-violent, socially-acceptable video ever, and you'll still see someone flaming the holy hell out of someone, whether it be the author, or another commenter.

"Hmm... I want to go on Youtube. What's new?"

*sees lots of Twilight and Jonas Brothers videos*

"Whoa, not cool. Ok... I'll see the POPULAR videos!"

*sees whole lot of Fred and High School Musical videos*

"Uhh... ok... lemme just do a search for a band I like"

*sees a video, clicks it, finds out it was deleted by WMG*

"Aw fuck! ... well it's ok... I'll just search for some funny stuff now... maybe someone slipping off a diving board?"

*finds video, reads comments*

"Geez... can I find some peace ANYwhere?? Ah, I know!! I'll look at a video of a cute puppy! Surely no one will have anything bad to say there!"

*finds video, reads comments*

"WHAT??? He said he wants to kick the shit out of that dog??? How dare he?!? And then he called the author a faggot?!? That's it... I'm DONE with Youtube!! DONE!!!"

by Absolutely No One April 12, 2009

136👍 18👎