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PROFIS is an acronym which stands for Professional Filler System. This system designates qualified Active Army AMEDD personnel in table of distribution and allowances (TDA) units to fill modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) units. The objective of the Professional Filler System Deployment System (PDS) is to resource MTOE units to their required level of organization with AMEDD personnel in accordance with the Army Mobilization, Operations, Planning and Execution
System (AMOPES) upon execution of an approved Joint Chiefs of Staff Operation Plan (OPLAN), or upon
execution of a contingency operation, or for the conduct of mission-essential training.

PROFIS personnel are essentially augmented to a unit to fully staff them for a deployment or operation. They are typically the "red-headed step child" of the unit.

All additional duties that would benefit my Military career have been given to the organic personnel. The PROFIS have been screwed once again!!!!!

I don't care if their stuff is lost or stolen, they're PROFIS.

Thank God I am PROFIS so I can leave this unit after the deployment.

by Abused Soldier July 5, 2011

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