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Neopronouns (nee-oh) are often confused woth Xenopronouns (zee-no). Neopronouns are often labled as harmful to the trans and nonbinary comunity where this is not the case.

Neopronouns are things outside of they/she/he. Such as it/its, Xe/xem etc. It can be used by anyone and isn't harmful to the community.

Xenopronouns are things like cat/catself and are used by those who relate their gender to their interests.

Person 1: "Oh, by he way i use neopronouns now."
Person 2:"Ew, like what, kitten/kittenself?"
Person 1: "No, thats xenopronouns, dumbass. I use it/its. Do your research."
Person 2: "Oh, I'm sorry."

by Ace. K. Butterfingers February 6, 2023

2👍 19👎


Xenopronouns (Zee-no-pronouns) are pronouns outside of they/she/he. It is not the same as neopronouns (nee-oh-pronouns) which include it/its and Xey/xem etc.

Xenopronouns are used for xenogenders which are genders that relate to a persons interest i.e. catgender. Xenopronouns are mostly used online, less irl.

Person 1: "Hi! What are your pronouns?"
Person 2: "Oh! I go by she/her and I use Xenopronouns, I use cat/catself online."
Person 1: "Awesome!"

by Ace. K. Butterfingers February 6, 2023

19👍 13👎