petres petres petres
person 1: petres
person 2: petres
person 1: petres
person 2 : petres
Yet another play on words to describe a woman's tightness of the vagina, such as " The Grippler ", " Grip Reaper " and " Jack the Gripper ", typically when whatever she's talking about would be considered " cringy ", or when she is acting silly or talking about a certain niche topic in a quirky manner. This is often paired with comments on how "pink" the area is, where the more pink the better. Even though it is a pretty rude and vulgar comment, it is always meant in a kind hearted way, as an attempt at a compliment. (ex.: the Chicago Grip Reaper)
*video of a lady being goofy and silly*
Comment 1: the grip must be insane
Comment 2: i just know its salmon pink
Comment 3: Gripply Bear
Comment 4: it grips the skin off of the meat
Comment 5: The Grippening
Comment 6: the color of it is #FB79B3
A derogatory term for greek people, in true Balkan fashion.
A: Uh this is the 10th time in a row this dude laughed at the same unoriginal relatable joke, what the fuck is wrong with him?
B: Yeah that makes sense, he's greek.
A: Classic greektard.
the moment in between taking a shit and wiping, when you're completely unable to do anything besides sit there helplessly
Nick: "I was about to go on a date with this girl but I had the sudden urge to take a shit the last minute and I was toilet locked for like 45 minutes"
George: "Wow, that is so not poggers"
code word for a big, veiny, girthy, hairy penis. (Gurunoputsi Gab)
Gabriel: Bro the party was insane, I had sex with like 3 different chicks! G.G. strikes again