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Home Schooled

When someone can't deal with morons in public school, they leave and start to deal with morons in home school. Because, clearly, public schools are temples to Satan and child pornography and should be treated as such. The solution, of course, is to bring kids home in order to completely shut off the child from the outside world and all sources of intelligent questions, thereby deliberately deviating from the Bible's mandate to free will. Public school kids are chronically pretty damn stupid and moral wastelands, and homeschooled kids are chronically terrible spellers and close-minded religious fanatics.

In other news, this will be voted down by every person born without a humour gland.

I am the mutant spawn of being home schooled, Catholic, a bisexual male, and a radical anarchist. I have now coalesced into the little-known Eighth Seal of the Apocalypse.

Shit's gonna go DOWN, mofo.

by Achlysis December 30, 2011

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