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paris hilton

A symbol of America's total moral collapse.

Paris Hilton should have been sentenced to 45 days of seeing (and directly experiencing) how America's least fortunate actually live.

by Action man June 14, 2007

321👍 169👎


#twjs stands for "Thats What Jing Said"
Similar to a "Thats what she said" these are usually sexual innuendos but commonly the phrase is gay, creepy or a bit noncey.

"Got absolutely shafted at work today"

by Action man June 18, 2014

2👍 3👎

American Empire

A fragment from a future encyclopedia article

…The American Empire appeared to be the sole major power on earth between 1990 and 2000, after the disintegration of the Soviet Empire in 1990. However by that time, the Empire had been in decline for some time – Imperial power probably peaked during the brief reign of Emperor Kennedy the Young in 1961-63. Thereafter, the power of the Empire was sapped by a ruinous proxy war against the Soviets in Vietnam which led to extensive dissent within America over the morality and purpose of the war. The symbolic power of the Empire peaked in 1969 when American astronauts successfully traveled to the Moon, landed, and returned safely. Five more visits to the moon were made, but the expeditions to the Moon and plans for even bolder exploration of the Solar System were ultimately abandoned because of the cost of the war in Vietnam. Within one generation, the accomplishments of the Moon landings seemed so incredible that an increasing number of Americans refused to believe that they had ever happened.

The most serious decline of the American empire began when George W. Bush was appointed Emperor Bush II under suspicious circumstances in 2001, after a contentious succession from Emperor Clinton I. Subsequently, the American Empire was assaulted by eastern barbarians. Ironically, the eastern barbarians gained some of their power and stature from support they had obtained from the American Empire in another proxy war against the Soviet Empire in Afghanistan twenty years before. The barbarian’s assault was a great shock to the Empire’s citizens, and the Empire reacted by getting into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. These wars sapped the empires strength without seriously affecting the barbarians. Another effect of these wars was to drive up the cost of petroleum, which meant an end to the cheap fuel which had allowed imperial citizens to drive massive vehicles called SUVs without worrying about the consequences.

Also, these wars increased international uncertainty, driving up the cost of the raw materials that the Empire needed to survive. To pay for the ongoing wars, the Empire was forced to borrow enormous amounts of money, with much of the debt being held by the resurgent Chinese and Indian Empires. The American Empire also inadvertently weakened itself by ceasing to manufacture most items, preferring to contract out this work to China. This tended to destroy the prosperity of many American citizens (except for a few rich oligarchs called CEOs) even as it strengthened the empire’s rivals.

The accounts of the Empire’s collapse are fragmentary. It is known that an evil cult known as Wal-Mart…

Decline and Fall of the American Empire

by Action man May 3, 2007

103👍 43👎


Term for someone in the entertainment industry that people will pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. 'Performer' is a nice catch-all term for such people that doesn't demean others in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the mere fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't mean they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is that they do. The one ability that performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
All boy bands
Kevin Federline

by Action man September 4, 2007

244👍 134👎


Term for someone in the entertainment industry that people pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act, or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. Performer is a nice catch-all term for them that doesn't demean other people in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't meant that they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is they do! The one ability performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important and valuable than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
All boy bands
Kevin Federline

by Action man August 8, 2007

7👍 7👎

Kevin Federline

The poster boy for pre-nups and having a good divorce lawyer. Britney Spears should kiss the ground that she got rid of this loser as easily (and cheaply) as she did. (Mind you, what was she >thinking< when she married him in the first place?!) Going the other way, K-fed is a dumb f*ck for getting so little moolah out of her.

Kevin Federline's only distinction is having briefly been Mr. Britney Spears.

by Action man April 3, 2007

124👍 51👎


An interchangeable word for gay.

1- have you seen James has a boots loyalty card?
2- yeah he's such a Jing!

by Action man August 24, 2012

9👍 11👎