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Knuckles is the game much like slapsies, but much more betterer. You play by having two players facing each other, each one with one clenched fist touching the other persons clenched fist. The person who takes their go first tries to hit the top of the other persons hand with their knuckles. If the persons succeeds, they get another go. They keep going until the other player manages to remove their hand without any contact being made from the opponents ATTACK. Then its the other players go. IF the recieving player tries to dodge THREE TIMES without the attacker actually having a swipe, then the attacker gets a free shot (i.e., the reciever has to hold their fist out and take a blow without moving).You carry on until one person quits. Some people have the rule that when someone quits, they have to take a free forfeit blow, but this is sometimes dangerous and i dont think a very professional way to end the match. Maybe a handshake or something. If you havent heard about the game, please spread the word! I'm trying to get it as well known as possible, because im really fucking good at it and its the only thing im good at. :D! Happy Knuckling.

"Fancy a game of knuckles mate?"

by Adam Riach September 5, 2006

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