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The Cheat

A furry little thing that was once described by Strongbad as looking '..more like cheese. Or an anvil.' He also has a gold tooth. He is called The Cheat because he helps Strongbad cheat at stuff. His other freinds are Pom Pom and Strongmad. The Cheat cannot speak English.

SB: The Cheat, say something normal, like, er, Douglas.
TC: Mmmah.
SB: Douglas!
TC: Mah Mah.
TC: Mah.

by Adam S., last time I checked. December 3, 2003

335👍 71👎


1. A fictional character played by Strong Bad.
2. A Trilogy with Strong Bad playing Dangeresque, Coach Z as Ranaldo, and Bubs as Dangeresque's enemy.
Extras: The Cheat,Strong Mad,Marzipan and Strong Sad as StrongBad's stunt double (not comfirmed).
The latest film is due June 2004. It is 'Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective'.....in 3D!

Ranaldo:Sounds pretty Dangerous!
Dangeresque:No. Sounds DangerESQUE!

by Adam S., last time I checked. December 2, 2003

15👍 4👎