A pokemon named Shamalia.
Someone who is also Ishan.
The evolution of Shamal, and the Pre-evolution of Shamalophicus.
See also: Shamal, Shamalophicus
Shamalia return to your Poke Ball!
4👍 7👎
A pokemon named Shamalophicus.
Someone who is again, Ishan.
The evolution of Shamalia.
See also: Shamal, Shamalia
This pokemon is completely useless, as it does nothing for your time and effort training it.
Shamalophicus! Return! Return to your Poke Ball! Now!
1👍 4👎
A pokemon named Shamal.
Someone who is Ishan.
The Pre-evolution of Shamalia.
See also: Shamalia, Shamalophicus
17👍 17👎