To meet over zoom. Visual presence essential. In 0 AC (After Corona), Zoomeeting is the substitute for the social connection we crave, preserving sanity of civilization.
There were no parties, there were no meetings, there were no socials. There were only zoomeets. We donât meet other humans anymore - we are content with zoomeets.
Science + Sorcery = Sciencery. Appropriating science in an officious, impressive sounding way that convinces many people but is utterly foolish, inappropriate and often dangerous
Sciencery is the scourge of our times: how can we possibly listen to morons who blame 5G for covid or to flat earthers who defy Newton and Galileo.
Soon-Tobe-EX Wife = Stex = Stex-Wife. It is deplorable that the English language has a well trodden word for âSoon-to-Wife i.e. Fiancé, but no word to describe the opposite i.e. Soon-Tobe-EX wife, or STEX-wife or simple Stex. Itâs not the same as separated. âStexâ describes the period after separation, and prior to actual divorce.
âMy Stex-Wife and I have argued about everything except the important stuff like money and child- and puppy-custody.â
âNo - I cant see you tomorrow; my stex is dropping off the kids at my place.â
A group of individuals who come together for a common purpose that has a tinge of sin (quantity of sin can be large or tiny depending on the group and their definition of sin)
A sindicate constituting of my college buddies and like minded individuals routinely meet to test the new New York bars.
A certified survivor of COVID19, and perhaps a broader swath of Corona viruses, known to carry antibodies against COVID19. A new upper class of certified virus surviving worker, whose antibodies are worth more than their weight in gold, and who is allowed to work and move unhindered. Typically commands 2-5X normal market rate for their services. Not to be confused with Covidian who is merely someone infected, or Covidiots who are mere mortals who think they are invincible and therefore move around unhindered, putting others and their own lives at risk.
The Coronian imperiously walked in to the hospital ER, and asked, âWho is in charge here? Any other Coronians or am I once again required to deal with mere humans?â
A person of encyclopedic knowledge, learning or capabilities, accentuated with a healthy dose of eccentricity
(1) My friend Doug is certifiably polymad - a financial whiz, musical genius, scratch golfer but also crazier than a soup sandwich in a pizza shop.
(2) Brian May of Queen fame is equal parts a top musician, singer, songwriter but now also a certified astrophysicist, rocket ship builder and overall a modern polymad.