Source Code

web site

A collection of web pages, usually containing content of sorm form.


by Admiral Justin July 15, 2003

2👍 4👎

CS Player

Also see wordlamer/word, wordhaxor/word, cheater, aimbot

"CS CS CS!!1 I haev t3h ch34tzz!!11!1"

by Admiral Justin March 5, 2003

24👍 16👎


The creation of terrorists to destroy the minds of the youths of the United States.

Please mom, can I watch more barney? Today they are supposed to teach about jihad...

by Admiral Justin April 3, 2003

46👍 35👎


Small, green and wrinkled, uses the force to kick serious butt.

by Admiral Justin March 5, 2003

41👍 16👎