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It could mean pirate's treasure but it is usually used for a bitch with a nice ass. A booty is what almost every guy wants!

All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe!!!

by AdomC April 4, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fucking stupid project that high schools love to give out to torture spoiled teenagers. Well, you also have to do this shit in some high academic colleges too.

Pen kid: Hey man let's chill for the next couple months together.
PV kid: Nah, I have to do this fucking Capstone Project which instead wastes time and takes several months to finish.

by AdomC March 6, 2015

39๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ghetto place where all the Los Angeles food snobs go to. About seventy five percent of the people here are Mexican, black and Samoan and are fat blobs just like the blob in the movie "X-Men Origins Wolverine". It has all the fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Jack in the Box, Wendy's and more. So if you are a big junk food addict then come to Carson.

Guy 1: Hey bro, I'm hungry where do ya wanta eat?
Guy 2: Yo, lets go to a restaurant in Carson where we both can eat some fries and a juicy ass burger.
Guy 1: Hell yeah!!! Lets go!!!

by AdomC May 4, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spoiled Bitch

A bitch and a slut who only focuses on her make up, hair, and wants to wear as much porn clothing as possible to show off to the whole school how special she thinks she is. She also is a bitch who tries to stay away from dorks and nerds because she thinks she is so hot shit, they don't belong in her fucking drama.

Man, I don't know why that spoiled bitch gotta act like that toward us. I mean come on, she lives in a big home with a nice pool and her parents bought her a fancy car, six different tutors, and she thinks she is so better than people like us.

by AdomC March 23, 2015

25๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The one state in the United States where weed is legal. If you want to get some weed and camp out then Colorado is the place to be.

Guy 1: Yo man, do you know a state that contains some good weed shops.
Guy 2: Yeah man, we should go to Colorado to get some weed.
Guy 1: Oh yeah! Pack your things!

by AdomC June 28, 2015

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A stupid worthless website with pictures and it looks helpful but it is actually so dumb and useless because they are so obvious and probably made by kids 9-12 years old.

Yo, we already know this shit, so why do they keep saying Wikihow helps so freakin much. Wikihow says the things a seven year old would know.

by AdomC April 7, 2015

82๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bitch Mother

Bitch Mothers live to ruin your life. They yell in your ear so loud over small things, always compare you to other kids, and never let you go out because they think you are still too young.

Bitch Mother sees her kid watching an awesome horror movie...
PS: Dads can act like Bitch Mothers too. Usually mothers have this attitude.

by AdomC March 22, 2015

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