Source Code

old flame

commonly used term for an ex lover, usually a female.

ah, shit. It's my old flame.

by Adrian February 19, 2006

127πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A type of film, mostly. a martial arts film, or a porn.

and it it's a porn... it goes great with some k-y jelly

u nasty think you

hey,you seen that new jet-li flick?

hey let's roll to block buster.

naw man. i just bought this new flick and im going to check it out....alone

by Adrian November 28, 2003

3πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


A film that is verry overhyped and overated. Refers to a film that you have high expectations for but come out of it thouroughly dissapointed because the plotline was weak and the charachters were flat. Goodfellas demonstrates the worst in society and their ability to change any situation in their favour through organized crime only to be brought crumbling down by the 'family' that raised you and which you depend on. The film is cool up to about one hour in.

Scarface owns Goodfellas because it represents the pusuit of an ideal. Goodfellas is a story about a man who screws up his life, his wives, and his kids lives by handling sloppy business and getting caught.

by Adrian February 8, 2007

7πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

Chicago Bears

The 2006 (yes, 06, not 07) NFC champs.

What now? The Chicago Bears are going to Miami.

by Adrian January 22, 2007

230πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

osmund saddler

The head villain from Resident Evil 4. Transforms into a huge ass spider when he pleases. Started the whole Las Plagas virus in RE4.

Osmund Saddler - the 5th time I'm putting this into urban dictionary.
Leon kills him with a specialized rocket launcher.

by Adrian July 1, 2006

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

slept on

Means, to be ignored or overlooked, not paid their respect (or disrespect) when an effort is made by a person or group of persons. Usualy refers to underground hip hop but not always.

'It ain't right that Nas always be slept on by today's radio and tv stations' =

by Adrian October 11, 2006

266πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


sport with the most egotistical pricks on the face of the earth. they'll talk to you, and you'll think you're their friend, but you're in for a rude awakening once track starts.

I'm not bashing the track the sport, just the people in it.

by Adrian March 12, 2006

27πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž