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He is that one asshole who rejects his feelings a lot. Bitch can attract girls from France while his ass is in fucking America yet when he actually likes her, he says no and just rejects her. He is amazing and so fucking gorgeous. His eyes can bright up your dark world in an instant. Every thought of him makes you want to just dream of being in his arms but the second you figure out he likes you back, he avoids you and runs away from it. Even though I try to assure him that whatever it is won't be a problem anymore, he still turns into a little bitch and gets too scared to even try to make it work because of what happen. And he is a lot of fucking work and it is so hard to do anything but you love him so much that all the work will be worth it. Just wait and all your difficulties will pay off eventually.

Ugh, Ben just looked at me for the 3957493th time today.... I even heard him talking about me. He even liked my insta pic from 2 YEARS AGO....he makes it so hard but he is worth the struggle.

by Agayghostthathauntsbuzzfeed June 28, 2018

4👍 3👎


A better way to say "normies". Locals are the type of people who don't have a unique personality. They aren't really unique but for some reason, they try to be which doesn't end well. A sure way to make a baby grow into a local is by raising them into a small town and making them part of many communities as they grow and grow older. They are like bandwagons, but they don't copy everyone else. Sometimes you'll wonder if they are actually siblings with other locals or in fact twins. Or hell even clones.

God, Lincoln has so many locals, I wish someone was different for once. Wait, did you see that girl? She doesn't look from around here........maybe she can get me away from these overdramatic locals!!!

by Agayghostthathauntsbuzzfeed June 28, 2018

32👍 15👎