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1. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who ran the south of our beautiful country into the ground. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

2. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who claim to act in the name of "Allah" but should realize they are merely pawns of Iran and Syria, and serve no God other than Assad and Ahmadinejad. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

3. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who brought the wrath of the Israeli military upon the rest of our beautiful country. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

1. "Hey Mahmoud, have you been to the shores of Tyre recently?" . . . "No Ahmad, I haven't. At least here in Beirut I could feel like I am in Paris but if you go south these days it's like being under the Taliban!"

2. "Yasser, can you believe those suicide bombers claim to act in the name of Islam?!" . . . . "Yea just like Hezbollah claims to respresent the Lebanese people and act for our protection, what bull shit."

3. "Hey Ali, I was told that Hezbollah has been fucking with the Israelis in the south again." **BOOOM** (bombs start hitting beirut) "What the hell was that, Ali?!?!"
"Ahmad, just like every other arab milita or army has provoked the Israelis, they tear shit up! When will those idiots realize that to leave the Israelis alone is the best for ALL of us?!?!?!" **BOOOM** **BOOOOM**

by Ahmad from Lebanon September 10, 2006

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