Warman (also known as WARMAN or W.A.R.M.A.N.) is a fictional character created by 20th century poet - Aidulf Noyes.
Noyes created Warman shortly after meeting a soldier in the trenches of WW2 in France. It is said that Noyes and this unknown soldier were having a hard time surviving the tourment of the trenches and that the soldier went mad. It is then recounted by Noyes that the soldier leaped out of the trench and screamed "WARMAN" while running in a T-line towards the opposing Axis trench. Noyes wrote in his field-journal:
"it was strange, the soldier leaped from the trench and started screaming out "WARMAN!!" while darting directly towards the trench, he was armed with an M1-Garand rifle and held down the trigger while charging alone at them, as if he had an Automatic weapon in his hands! The garand obviously only fired one round at the enemy and entirely missed them as he was flailing the rifle about while running."
Obviously, the soldier was almost instantly shot down by a German sniper emplacement. But the solider attempted to collect his scattered brain matter and continue charging at the trench in his last moments before falling lifelessly onto the battlefield
Noyes was inspired by this act of carelessness and bravery, and decided to lay down in the trench and write the following poem
He doesn't give a damn about what he wears.
And he doesn't give a shit about his God damned hair
Yeah, terrorism losers, stop your affairs
Warman, Warman.
Fuck Yeah"
Noyes died of AIDS the following week and the poem was passed down as the years went on.
Today, the Warman Legend primarily lives on in the hearts of the Metal Gear Solid 3 fans, who dress the character controlled by the player in the game as Warman. This is as Aidulf Noyes described him in later written poems:
"He wears camouflaged baggy combat pants, with kick-ass boots...and a bandanna...he also wears no shirt, and instead has his suspenders on, keeping his pants on...he is masculine and has the American Flag painted on his face...oh yeah, and he's got an eye-patch"
This image can be created on Big Boss in the 3rd installment of the Metal Gear Solid series, Snake Eater.
Also, like the soldier who Noyes wrote of, Warman must ALWAYS use automatic weaponry, if automatic weaponry is not available by whatever means, warman must pretend that a semi-automatic or even entirely manually-cocked weaponry is indeed automatic weaponry, and the trigger must be held down, as if the gun is fired Automatically...this cannot be stressed enough.
Warman can only run, just like the soldier that Noyes knew. He can also only eat Rats, as they had to in the trenches. He can, also...throw snakes at enemy soldiers because it's something that the soldier probably would've done if possible.
Boyfriend: Baby, shall we play some "warman"?
Girlfriend: Sure, Babe. Get your finger out of my ass and let's hook up the ps2.
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