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Someone who makes a living out of thinking. What they essentially do is create "constructs" and boundaries for what can and cannot be thought or what is or what is not acceptable behaviour.

Their job is to make a construct that is acceptable to the largest number of people so that we don't go nuts killing each other.

That's the BEST they can do. And usually they suck at it because there's always a good deal of people smart enough not to fall for that bullshit.

It's arguable that if there were no philosophers to conjure up bullshit "social contracts," we'd all learn to get along fairly peacefully anyhow. In reality no rules for life do exist and we all get along pretty fucking well.

So essentially they are a bunch of (usually old) wankers blowing wind up each other's asses.

David Hume, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and a medley of other asshats can be considered "Philosophers".

by Aihkeem Dawnerface March 22, 2009

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