A fan/fandom name for South Korean boy band VIXX.
Members include Leo, Ken, Ravi, Hongbin, N, Hyuk.
Formed by Jellyfish entertainment.
Notable tracks/singles/songs include Error, Hyde, Eternity and Voodoo doll.
Also notable for being pretty during a performance of So Hot by Wonder Girls, while dressing up as them.
A complete shift from their original dark concepts.
Kings of dark concepts among South korean boy bands.
They love their fans also known as Stârlights.
Breaking down and crying at their first music show win while mentioning their fan/Stârlights.
Comic group of random misfits when not dominating the stage with their strong concepts and powerful performance.
K: what do we call our fans?! Otokaji?
N: *writes song titled Starlight*
N: why Stârlights of course! With a â so it's cooler.