An internet service plan provided by Brighthouse that is about the same speed as dial-up, only with even worse customer support and service. They are also very selfish with IPs and never deliver what they promise. I've had the same IP for years at a time, not even changing if I leave the router and modem unplugged for a week. One time I moved and it had still not changed! And when you do get a new IP your old one goes to a different user, which can lead to a framing or an innocent user being DDoSed or hacked. In otherwords roadrunner is a TERRIBLE ISP with TERRIBLE speeds and TERRIBLE service and cost way too much, even the cable is slow and laggy!
Please people, be smart. Use Comcast or Verizion
I can barely load google.. I can't tell if I'm connected to dial-up or Roadrunner!
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