The Sexies is a group of friends that has intense lore. There is a novel based around this real group that formed on Instagram. One of the rules they strictly regulate is no cis/straight men are allowed in the chat due to trauma.
The group started in 2019 by @flame_liberator_axel centered around the vidoe game, Kingdom Hearts, called The Guiding Keys. The chat lasted until 2021 when Axel was leaked for being a groomer with a foot fetish. The group members rebelled and formed The Sexies. When The Sexies was first made, another member called Jacob, was revealed to be a groomer and was removed from the chat soon after.
Two people, @krawler57 and the deleted @casparfart made The Sexies, a novel based around a fictional world of The real events of The Sexies.
The Sexies novel is really angsty despite being called The Sexies.