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To say that something is either good or bad, depending on the context, if talked about objects.

If talked about humans it means that this person is either “slay” or “it girl”, both meaning that a person is the “main character”. It can also be used to say that someone “ate” or “cooked”, which means that someone has done something outstanding.

With both Objects in humans it also signals that you opinion is only true to yourself and therefore is not objective but subjective to your own feelings.

You can also use it to refer to a construct, then it is just a filler word and holds no meaning, or can be used if you can’t describe it with words.

“The burger is A’knoku good”
“The person presented just A’knoku”
“Love is just so A’knoku”

by Akunekune kurala December 22, 2024


Can virtually mean anything, but is mostly used to describe something either extremely good, like if you say “ate”, “slay”, or “it girl” or something really bad like when you say “cooked”
As between means between, it can be used wildly and not always has a meaning, but exists as a filler word.

“Look at him, he is so between”
“Hunter should not have corrected me, that was so between and uncalled for”
“Bro the pizza is fucking between”

by Akunekune kurala December 22, 2024


When something is pretty exciting, slay, or just it girl behavior.

Can be used to say that someone did something better than you.

Also can mean the opposite, depending on the context.

“Damn this was pretty stairs”

“Hunters presentation was pretty (up) stairs”
“Man, he stared you”

by Akunekune kurala December 22, 2024