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A series of books written by Stephenie Meyer that revolve around a cliche girl and her obsession with a (not really) vampire and a (not really) werewolf who spend most of their time violating the vampire/werewolf rules, ie walking in sunlight, sparkling, turning into a wolf instead of a werewolf (the difference being that a werewolf is humanoid), and never wearing shirts so as to show off your 135-lb-bench-press body (jsyk, that's pathetic). The books show all the subtlety of a Larry the Cable Guy comedy routine and about as much intelligence. The legions of fangirls and moms who support this series are (sadly) poorly read and/or educated. Had they read any real literature before being brainwashed by this novel they would realize what sanctimonious tripe it is. It has contributed nothing to the English literary tradition and should receive no praise of any kind.

Tl;dr: Twilight is unabashed shit.

by Al Non June 30, 2010