Source Code


Early Bowery term for officers of the law, possibly originating in the late 19'th century. Also called flatfoots.

1900's textile cart driver: "Zeeser Gottenyu! You've poisoned my horse! Oh thank God, here come the bulls.

Monk Eastman: "'ello officer Fitzpatrick, this cart-driver's waving a gun at me!"

Corrupt 1900's cop: "'ey, ye sold me wife some moth-eaten fabric about a week ago, and now yer falseley accusin' this nice fella o' poisonin' yer horse, I oughta hall ye in!"

cart driver: "this man poisoned my horse, and you're halling me in? You filthy Irish pig! And you, horse-poisoner, a shande, a shande for the Goyim!"

Eastman: "the Goy is my hand-servant, good luck jackass!"

by Alan June 5, 2004

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Something to say when you, or someone you know, has totally exterminated a species.

"All the penguins are dead!"

by Alan January 31, 2005

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rubber nipples

I like it when Will bites my fmuchor.

by Alan November 4, 2003

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le chique le cool

the zen-point of coolness, presented with an airy, devil-may-care attitude.

damn. where did lola get that bandana? it's le chique le cool, nuff said!

by Alan October 19, 2004

20πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

le chique le cool

a term loosely used to define coolness in a canine.

damn pippa sure has that thing!
yeah, she is le chique le cool.

by Alan October 20, 2004

3πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

shonquisha booty

the most bodacious, radical, phat ass of the world

yo, im tryin to hit that bitch shenana, she got that shonquisha booty, homie

by Alan September 27, 2003

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Commonly used by some ignorant people as a catch-all term for all Asian Americans and Asian imigrants.

Person # 1: Dude, look at that Chinese girl over there, hot isn't she?

Person # 2: Hey, man, her names Mary, her parents are Korean, and I've known her since middle school!

by Alan May 8, 2004

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