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- Slang term for female genitalia, in use since at least the 13th century. Note that it was largely not considered vulgar or taboo until as late as the 18th or 19th century.
- Disparaging term. It is often mistakenly believed that this phrase is intended to be aimed solely at women, to demean and devalue them. This is erroneous. The term's usage in this context is gender neutral and is simply used to convey dislike of a person. Note that 'dick' is used in the same manner.
- A person who defines their name or that of their significant other on Urban Dictionary.

"I wear underwear because it's socially taboo to walk around airing my cunt in public"
"You're a cunt"
"Dave defined his name on Urban Dictionary? What a cunt"

by AlanSmithee173 June 18, 2015

8👍 4👎


Confused, angry men who fear having to live in a society where their superiority is not automatically assured by their gender. Typically frequent forums and websites rife with misogyny where they claim that rape is a falsehood used to control men, that feminism is 'female supremacy' designed to hand the reins of power solely to women, and disregard women's rights issues, claiming that discrimination against women is a thing of the past.

MRAs - ALL of them, without exception - are living examples of confirmation bias, never venturing outside of their established groups, publications, forums, et al, thus surrounding themselves only with that which serves to affirm their existing beliefs.

Tend to subscribe to the belief that all feminists, worldwide, are exactly the same as that one stupid angry teen chick they saw on tumblr that one time.

As an MRA, I hate equality.

No really, I'm a rampant misogynist living in an idealised vision of the past

by AlanSmithee173 December 17, 2015

364👍 331👎