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It's the German Home Depot

"Hey let's go to Home Depot" Hey 'ya bloody mongrel we're in ze germany,we can go and get some OBI

by Aldo Pussy September 12, 2006

43👍 34👎


Slapping someone with your open hand thereby using your nails to tear some skin off

Hi...Hi... My name's John and what's yours? Pamela... Cool... Hey Pamela would mind giving me head?...Smack!! Bloody hell Pamela you just oatched the fuck out of my face!

by Aldo Pussy September 20, 2006

17👍 5👎


When you smack someone in the face with your open hand,pulling off some pure skin with your nails.

Hi there!My name's Wally..What's yours? Susanne... Cool..Do you fancy a fuck? At that point our buddy Wally will get badly oatched in the face by Susanne.

by Aldo Pussy September 15, 2006

5👍 3👎