Abbreviation for "is that your camel". An opening message in online dating-- variation of ITYD ("is that your dog"), but referencing the camel on which so many people proudly sit astride in their profile photos as if everyone else didn't also have a picture on a camel. Occasionally misinterpreted to mean "is that your cat", but, seriously, no one cares if that's your cat.
Person 1: ITYC?
Person 2: Yes! That's my kitty! His name is Snuggle Muffin.
Person 1: Actually I was asking about the picture with the camel.
Person 2: EWW! Gross, you perv!
Person 1: Wait, but you're literally sitting on top of a camel in the desert in that picture.
Person 1: Hello?
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Abbreviation for "not my dog". A response to the common online dating query ITYD or "is that your dog?" by cads who pose in photos with dogs that do not belong to them. Variations include NMG ("not my goat"), NMK ("not my koala"), and NMC ("not my camel").
Person 1: ITYD?
Person 2: NMD.
Person 1: ITYG?
Person 2: NMG.
Person 1: ITYK?
Person 2: NMK.
Person 1: ITYC?
Person 2: Yes.
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Abbreviation for "is that your dog". A common opening message in online dating referencing a person's photo with a dog which may or may not belong to them. Variations include ITYG ("is that your goat"), ITYK ("is that your koala"), and ITYC ("is that your camel").
Person 1: ITYD?
Person 2: NMD. But I like animals.
Person 1: You cad.
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