Source Code


An awesome band that got accused of trying to be "emo", because the lead singer wears thick rimmed glasses and writes melody based rock with often sad, emotional lyrics. They're not emo, and people who accuse them of trying to be are lame.

Weezer will probably go down in history for its single, "Buddy Holly", and the very well-edited splice-work video that went along with it.

by Alex January 26, 2004

1141πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž

perry hall

P Hall is where it's at....P hall kids beat towson kids any day!
P Hall....rep it hard

Alex and Alex rep P Hall hard

by Alex April 5, 2005

94πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

Fuck the Dog

Relaxing by doing as little as possible. Generally one might watch TV, eat and nap.

by Alex August 18, 2003

137πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

Stairway to heaven

Stair way to heaven is basicly the best song ever dispite the fact that wene you paly it backwards it has "Satanic" and or "subliminal" messages in it, in fact I like the song more because it has that in it. I thought that was a cool little twist they put in the song. Not that I'm saying Led Zeppelin is "Satan" or evil in any way for doing that I just think they were trying to have fun doing it. Oh and to all thoughs who are wondering here are the FULL backwards lyrics, yes kids the WHOLE ENTIRE song has backwards messages, there kinda hard to hear at first but the secound or third time you'll here it easily.

Plaaaay backwards,
Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
All on track, all arriving
They all sing, and they are one.
Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
It stirs my sin, the river,
Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
will all life end for him?
We're all out of signs,
I know I'm sorta shocked
To hear The Lord,
My God now will save me!
Oh I will never be saved,
Because I live with Satan!
One wish today,
That you'll all pray for
Three who will make it here late.
Pray now and you'll see,
The 'Lord' turned me on,
But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
Clothed in agony,
Lost at a height.
There's no escaping it,
Nor his woes..
So here's to my Sweet Satan.
Whose little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is satan.
He'll give those with him 666.
And there was an evil toolshed,
were he made us suffer sad-ly

"Family won't get loose,
They're offered me."
Always soothes the worker.
Always will be as we know now
"I see ruins," said he,
"the world they offered me?
Who wished the Lord's fall?"
If we lose feather,
Say you'll save me!

And no wimps can bend the rules..
And no wimps can do..

Hunt next to the shore,
'Cause they see all from there,
See here's the news,
Who walks with mute grief!
Perhaps no-one found thee...
"Heaven, lift me out,"
Spake the Rave,
"Someday, failed, we'll lose one line-up,
They've gotta leave forsaken."

And no wimps can do..
And no wimps can do...

He, who say the lords
Thoth have our laws,
that must be superb. Mass is ended..
Over there,
He who should learn thee.
Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
I wish it with snow be shushed,
All for my mass's sake.
Hear why its sung,
here, oppositioner, Ohh..
He who should show
May make his show worthy,
To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
There's one chance, take his show.
Hold thy head,
Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
Who owns this earth built below?
Oh sweet Israel...

It's actully really cool to listen to it backwards.

PS. I'm not trying to say It evil or "ruin" the song as another definition of this song said.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

by Alex April 19, 2005

93πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


A prefix for the word bag. Kelly Osbourne uses ot alot.

Shut up you douch-bag!

by Alex July 23, 2003

16πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

hellzizzle zazzle

a commonly used phrase to exploit a mindstate of incredible excitement. Often used in AIM conversations to show that one is happy.

DUDE 1- "Man i just rocked that legless bitchass fucktard to smitherines"

DUDE 2- "Hellzizzle Zazzle!!"

by Alex August 5, 2004

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Harry and the Potters

A band composed of brothers Paul and Joe, from a town near Boston in Massachusetts. Dedicated to the Harry Potter novels by J K Rowling, the boys formed a rock n' roll band that promotes literacy AND kicks ass. They rock libraries across the nation and write the best songs that could ever possibly be written about playing chess and saving your best friend's sister. Their website is: www.eskimolabs.com/hp

Singing along with a Harry and the Potters song, she droned, "Because I'd rather not talk about your dead. Ex. Boyfriends over coffee."

by Alex November 28, 2004

96πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž