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An Assplant is half Ass and half a Plant, Gentically modified by a crazy irish man who accidentally sat his ass on a plant, enjoyed it for 30 seconds (Or more) and then hinted at this experience during a Skype conversation (Witnesses: Alex, Zoey, Maggie who will all confirm this occurance)

Although the exact form of an assplant has not been confirmed yet, we can take this hint as all the evidence we need for the existence of the assplant (Even though the crazy irish man was drunk at the time)

This can be used as an insult, "You're an assplant!" reffering to someone who sits on plants and enjoys the experience, certain clubs of "Assplanters" have formed in several country towns in Ireland.

"You just got assplanted!"

"You're an assplant!"

"That guy over there, he likes to assplant!"

by Alex Philpott April 2, 2006

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