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A Powerfull But Fast acting hallucinogenic sage plant very interesting yet in certain areas Rather Expensive

best example would be my experience-- i live in Edmonton Alberta Canada we actualyl purchased the Salvia at West Edmonton Mall yes its perfictly leagal and they give you information and warning about it to (that was a Great Help) when we arrived home i smoked the Salvia out of a Water bong as instructed and then right after took another one holding both deeply in for as long as i can then as i exahled it almost hit me imeadiatly i fell back into the couch and just looked forward as i was lokoing forward i noticed that the floor and tv were all 2-D at that point i knew this would be alot like acid but Faster and alot more potent (and im a rather exeperience acid user) as i saw the 2-d spread infront of my (my living room) it felt as if somthing or someone grabbed my ankles and started trying to pull me in (into this 2-d vision i hade) as i felt this it felt as if my mind was literatly recoiling in horror to what was hapaning all i felt my head saying was 'No this is RONG" and i felt like my body was saying back to my head "dont worry it will be over soon" i treid hard for all of a couple seconds to fight this force pulling me into the 2-D picture infront of me then after it slowed up a bit i got some controll of myself and enjoyed the last few minuets of the ride by staring at my jet lighter ( jet lighters are required they burn the Sage plant properly) and wondering and being Dumbfounded buy how my metal lighter weighed nothing my mind was trying to convince me that it should weigh pounds and now talking. talking is a hole new thing its hard and u can probably get frustrated or lagh ALOT cause your words Dont work thats the best way to put it your Words just dont Work and after a few mineuts of trying to speak i got up and it was over Now the last thing i have to say is that their is an example at the very begining of the Salvia examples read that one it is very accurate and ALWAYS have a sitter Take turns yes its that short unless u eat it but uggg the smoke is bad enough i have only attemted 2 times and yes when the salvia takes ahold of you it is terrifying but you can quikly gain controll but your mind is scared Their are no fatal or long term affects once smoking the sage plant you are good to go to do whatever you need to do in all of 30 mineutes at the longest DO NOT DO IN LARG CROWDS that would be a horrible experince i also suggest taping or recording with your webcam cause you usually talk and its VERY funny and Entertaining to watch yourself (also knida embarasing) but enjoy and have fun NOTE- i only did two medium size water bong witha very tiny pinch of salvia small enough to burn it fast and rite ut it was very intense but have Fuc and use responsibly and enjoy

by Alexander macphail May 30, 2006

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