Source Code


1.A shortened version to signify the message "Be Right Back."
2.A lame excuse to find out lamer acronyms for brb...

1. "Brb... " "Oh... okay"
2. "Burning Random Butterflies" "Oh... What the fuck?!"

by Alfonso G July 9, 2004

689👍 402👎


1. Homie, Comrade, Friend.
2. Your cousin's best friend... = Someone you can entrust many secrets with.

1. "What's up Cuzzo"
2. CuZzO = ML ... if ya know what I mean... which you really don't.

by Alfonso G July 9, 2004

179👍 85👎


1. Mispelling of the abbreviation of "lmao" ... which stands for "Laughing My Ass Off"
2. Witty acronym made by Mark B. which stands for "Laughing At Male Orangutans"

1. lamo... *lmao "just a corrected version"

by Alfonso G July 9, 2004

729👍 441👎