An immature loser who can take any sentence and somehow make it about sex.
Jen: So are you coming or what?
Bob (pervert): Cuming haha cuming... i sure am!
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to be beaten at something (most likely a break dancing competition)
tarence: Yea nigguh, u just got served
Shany: Bring a plate, cuz uz about to get served! (oooooo)
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A) To be equally as crazy as another person.
B) Just crazy enough.
Josh and Samantha are nuts on par. They both fight about the stupidest shit.
That's nuts on par enough to work.
1π 2π
A) To be equally as crazy as another person.
B) Just crazy enough.
Josh and Samantha are nuts on par. They both fight about the stupidest shit.
That's nuts on par enough to work.
Virtua Fighter doesn't suck. You just don't know how to play it right, or you just don't like the fact that Virtua Fighter doesn't have unrealistic 10-hit strings and unblockable powerups. You imbecile.
Sonyroolz is a button-masher who plays cheaply-manufactured games like Tekken and Soul Calibur, instead of learning the moves, counters, and throws that make Virtua Fighter worth playing.
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A woman with giant pancake nipples.
That broad had some angry tits! The nipples were big enough to be their own breasts.
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