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Akka Dakka

The Australian way of referring to AC/DC, our country's greatest rock band and the pioneers of hard rock. "Akka Dakka" sounds so fucking Australian, and like many of our culture's lingo, was derived from a longer, more syllable-heavy word to form a shorter, quicker variation that reflects the enthusiastic "Let's get to it" attitude of the Australian people.

Driver: "Hey, turn that bloody shit off an' let's switch on some Akka Dakka, eh cobber?"
Passenger: "Fuckin' oath, mate. Dirty Deeds, done cheap? Bloody hell, I love this one."

by Alhadis January 25, 2006

62πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Short for "Dumb Ass Mother Fucker"

"The guy's jacking off over kiddie porn? Man, he's suck a fucking DAMF"

by Alhadis June 25, 2004

58πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Australian colloquialism meaning "mate" or "friend", but not necessarily in the literal term. Can be used to address a stranger in leiu of "Hey, you there!" or "Hey, kid!" in a more friendly manner. As the word's been used since the earliest Colonial settlements of Australia, many Aussies mistakenly believe the word is archaic and no-longer used. In actuality, it's simply slightly less understood then more generic forms of greeting (such as "mate").

"G'day, cobber."
"G'day, mate. How're ye doin'?"
"Aw, been flat out like a lizard drinkin'. Hear the Sydney Swans hammered Collingwood on Saturday?"

by Alhadis March 30, 2005

653πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž

Angel Of Death

1) The title of Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor responsible for performing the most gruesome and brutal medical experiments in recorded history. Orchestrated numerous grotesque debaucheries to prisoners transported to the Auschwitz concentration camp, selecting them for either labour or extermination, acts of which earned him the title of "Angel of Death".

2) A Slayer song inspired by Josef Mengele's treatment of prisoners during WW2, which happens to be their most famous and well-known song (which says the least of how awesome this fucking song is; if you ever get sick of it, don't let a Slayer fan hear of it, for your own safety). Unfortunately, this song's also used as a crutch by posers claiming to be genuine Slayer fans; when asked about their favourite song, chances are a poser is going to answer "Angel of Death!" A true Slayer fan would follow up by mentioning several other favourites of Slayer's countless awesome works (in this author's opinion, there's only one or two Slayer songs he *doesn't* like; everything else is a brutal masterpiece of Slayer's nearly unmatchable skill).

Angel of Death might be one fuckin' awesome song, but it's by no means the only masterpiece of thrash metal that Slayer have recorded. Songs like "Skeletons of Society", "Crionics", "Tormentor", "Blood Red", "Dead Skin Mask", "Dittohead", "Catalyst", "Death's Head" and "Eyes of the Insane" are just a handful of several kickarse songs that've blown one's ears off as a reminder that metal can never die.

1) Josef Mengele was a sick, twisted cunt who ripped the muscles from prisoner's legs and forced them to walk, set fire to victims and did all sorts of other sickening shit.

2) "Auschwitz, the meaning of pain, the way that I want you to die. Slow death, immense decay, showers that cleanse you of your life"... etc, seriously, if you're a Slayer fan and don't know the lyrics to "Angel of Death", you're an anomaly. ;-)

by Alhadis September 27, 2006

140πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


1) Of or relating to the state of writing or behaviour that arouses amusement in others.
2) Strange, odd, or queer in a non-homosexually related fashion.
3) A trait that most contemporary comedy shows don't seem to possess.

1) "Your mother" is a generic response guaranteed to deliver amusement in response to any question, no matter how intellectual or complicated.
2) "Not funny ha-ha, funny queer, mmm-hmm." - Karl Childers, Sling Blade
3) "Futurama" is a comedy show that delivers the goods to the audience. "Everybody loves Raymond" doesn't, and few comedy shows these days are capable of producing quality humour in their audience.

by Alhadis January 18, 2006

14πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Enigma's Garden

Relating to Vahevia: A subterranean labyrinth epitomising the worst of roleplaying/strategic challenges, to secretly conceal a fallen god's quarantine that would poison the fabric of reality.

Renowned for the almost impossible combative, problem-solving, ethical, and psychological challenges it presents RPGers.

"Compared with the depths of Enigma's Garden, anything else is sanity" - Oshari

by Alhadis February 23, 2004

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Comes from the Old English verb for "shudder" (presumably the origin of the modern word "gruesome" as well; literally "shudder-some"). Grues are creepy, sinister creatures from the Zork series, the oldest and most influential of the old text-based adventure games. They're hardly ever seen because they despise light and only emerge in areas of complete darkness, where they prey upon adventurers and enchanters. Easily pissed off and vicious, they're repelled by even the faintest glow of light; meaning that a simple torch can be enough to keep the grues at bay. They're mysterious; short of their glaring eyes and sharp fangs-and-teeth, nobody knows what grues look like, exactly. They're known for their constant slaving and gurgling, and especially their nasty tempers.

In the game's feedback display itself, the grues were often a warning that a user should start looking for a light source... badly. "You have entered a dark area. You will likely be eaten by a grue" was a common description in the Zork adventure games; adventurers going underground would be wise to bring a good supply of oil for a lantern. Once the lights go out, the grues swarm all over you (ripping you apart before the game gives you a death message, like "Grues eat well tonight"). Infocom's official description of the "grue" (notice the lack of plural; it was unclear in the earlier Zork instalments whether there was only *one* grue, lurking as a sinister presence in the underground's darkness... or more then one) is:

"The grue, according to scholars of the Great Underground Empire, is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favourite diet is either adventurers or enchanters, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its extreme fear of light. No grues have ever been seen by the light of day, and only a few have been observed in their underground lairs. Of those who have seen grues, few have survived their fearsome jaws to tell the tale. Grues have sharp claws and fangs, and an uncontrollable tendency to slaver and gurgle. They are certainly the most evil-tempered of all creatures; to say they are touchy is a dangerous understatement. "Sour as a grue" is a common expression, even among themselves."

Text-screen: "You have entered the crypt. A hallway slopes downwards before you, leading into pitch blackness."
User #1 (types in): "head downwards"
Screen: "You walk into the darkness. You will likely surely be eaten by a grue if you don't find a light source."
User #2 (talking to first user): "Dude, you're gonna get eaten by grues..."
User #1: "Don't worry, I brought a lantern." *types in* "take out lantern*
Screen: "You left the crypt door open. A draft blows through, putting out your lantern."
User #1: "Oh shits, I knew I should've brought a hooded lantern."
User #2: "Quick, light it again!"
User #1: "Can't, man. No oil or matches."
Screen: "Another wind picks up and closes the crypt's door, blocking out the moonlight."
User #1: "Oh man, no matches or anything...? We are *so* fucked..."
Screen: "It's nice and dark in here. Just the way the grues like it..." *screen goes black, followed by nasty growling sounds*
User #1: "Son-of-a-bitch... remind me to stick a rock in the door to keep it from blowing shut next time."

by Alhadis May 9, 2005

346πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž