The Chicken Test is a test thought and created by Ali boring (or Ali boring 2 when he is at work) and has the purpose of determinizing whether you are a chicken or not by asking you one simple question about the outcome of a Twilight Flame 50k match in a game called Command and Conquer Zero Hour.
If he doesn't agree with the outcome that you are suggesting then you are a chicken.
For now, everyone failed the test but one person. Abdo. Sadly, we never knew what outcome he suggested since his explanations didnât go any further than stuttering the same sentences which are <<Can I Say Somesing ?>> <<Let me finish blease>>
In-between the people who ended up being a chicken we have : Excamp, Mamo (aka << Al Kalb >>), Simple (aka <<Al Ajnabi>>)
Warning : If you turned out to be a cat in a previous test you may end up being a chicken and cat hybrid. So do It at your own risk
Excal after failing the Chicken Test : This isn't Excal this is a chicken
Superspide after failing the Chicken Test : Superspide ? you mean Superchicken?