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Atheism is, plainly, the absence of faith/belief in the existence and presence of a deity(s).

Atheism is often (incorrectly) conflated with anti-theism as well as devil worship. In reality, atheism is a neutral world view independent of doctrine, ideology, etc.

Crazy Preacher: "Atheism will be the death of American values! You need JESUS!!!
Random Person: "You need to get laid."

by Alien👽Spectator🔭 August 20, 2019

3👍 1👎


Trumpism is a term named after Donald J. Trump which refers to american brand fascism as under Trump's administration.

"Trumpism will destroy America!"

by Alien👽Spectator🔭 February 8, 2019

18👍 36👎


The term "dragon" is actually kinda vague in modern day terms. A simple definition would be something like; Dragons are big reptiles/lizards of magical origins, varying in intelligence and attributed characteristics.

In asian culture dragons are celestial, serpentine spirits usually associated with water and storms who embody wisdom and knowledge. In western cultures dragons are giant, fire breathing lizards of many different varieties, such as wyverns and drakes, who commonly represent greed and hoarding.

As you can see, "dragons" and what they intale veries widely based on where you are.

Personally, I prefer a combination of the western and asian versions; large, winged, magical reptiles of the western depictions with the wisdom and intelligence of the asian depictions. It's an even balance and some good examples of this version are the dragons from Merlin, Wakfu, Eragon, and Skyrim.

"Dragons are so f***ing badass!!!"

by Alien👽Spectator🔭 May 31, 2019


Hell in the literal sense is a place in christian mythology that acts as an eternal dungeon of sorts. Christian tradition dictates that those who "sin" in any way and do not repent will be sent to hell after death, however, the criteria for what constitutes a sin will vary depending on the sect of christianity.

Bigots will often use their favorite book of fairytales to justify the persecution of women, homosexuals, and other groups as sinners who are damned to hell and must repent.

WestBoro Baptist: "Go to hell, fagots!"
Stephen Fry: "Oh! Let's carpool!"

by Alien👽Spectator🔭 June 4, 2019