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The people who ruined Call of Duty and other video games by giving birth to tryharding 12 year old cunts.

Hey e-sports ruined call of duty and other games because it gave birth to tryhards that are destroying gaming today

by Alien Weed April 11, 2019

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A brick is another word used for cocaine. Cocaine in a bag is the shape of a brick so that's why they call it a brick, and they use brick because no one would really care what they talking about.

Tom: Hey my nigga, you want a brick?
Jerry: Sure man lets see that brick.
Tom: Hey nigga it cost $15k
Jerry: Sure my brother i got that money in cash bruh.
Tom: Hurry dawg, b4 the pigs roll up.
~Jerry takes a sniff of the brick~.
AHHH man, my throat getting numb already.
5 seconds later, Jerry drops dead
~Tom fled the scene to hunt other mice~

by Alien Weed April 25, 2018

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Faggot Priest

A faggot priest is a really gay priest who loves to touch little boys, baptize their asses and preach about faggotry.

Hey man, watch your ass cause there is a faggot priest who is gonna baptize it for you.

by Alien Weed April 8, 2019

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School Shooting

American Culture.

Sorry to say but school shooting is so american now. Its non stop. And no i am not racist.
Eric: Hey dylan, wanna go on a school shooting?
Dylan: Nigga im dead.
Eric: Ok

by Alien Weed April 28, 2019

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Team 10

Team 10 are groups of homosexuals and lesbians and their goal is to fuck their same sex.
BTW jake paul gay he fucked logan in asshole

Team 10 is a gay group

by Alien Weed April 14, 2018

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A super rare STD. It is usually attained by people of the age of 27 years. It is known to take the life of popular streamer Ninja.

Yo dude, Ninja has ligma.
Say what?
He has ligma. It is a STD.
Why he fucked Jessica without rubber?
IDK. but he dead now.

by Alien Weed July 23, 2018

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A nig nog monkey nigger faggot-ass who eats booty. (male booty). He is of Afikaan descent and is its name is a slur as well. It means
n- nigger
e- eats
t- their
h- horse's
a- ass
n- never ending

Is someone calls you a nethan, it means you are above.

Eli- Yo african nigger, you are such a nethan
Jodi- STFu nigger shit, you are the nethan cause u do it all day nasty hog.

by Alien Weed March 18, 2019

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