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zing it

the awesome game that is based off bop it except in yo-yo form. its commands are bop it zing it(make the yo-yo go down and back) and loop it(loop the yo-yo)

Jack: dude this zing it kicks ass.
Greg: cool they did bop it in yo-yo form

by All-American-Badass July 4, 2008

snail race

When two semi trucks are taking up both lanes on a freeway and both are going at least five miles under the speed limit but one is going slightly faster than the other.

Passenger: Dude the speed limit is 70 why are you only going 60.
Driver: Those two semi's are in a snail race, i can't get by them.

by All-American-Badass April 25, 2010

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A country founded by beavers in 1901. it's capital is Yukon, which is a barren wasteland. though the beavers expanded southwards to where there was wooded lands. since then the beavers have imported 3000 lumberjacks a year from the US to help them clear trees for massive dams that they put in canada, these dams formed what is now the great lakes.

US Lumberjack 1: those beavers in canada recruited me to cut down trees there eh
Lumberjack 2: oh boy, the last thing we need is lake superior to be bigger dontcha know.

by All-American-Badass February 5, 2010

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Penny Payers

People who decide to pay unjust fines (eg parking tickets) entirely with pennies to legally piss off whoever they are paying the fine to.

Guy 1: what the hell they ticketed me $50 to park my car by my house? this is bullshit.
Guy 2: You should be one of those penny payers.
Guy 1: Yeah that'll teach them.

by All-American-Badass August 18, 2009


the process of having someone doing the googling for you or forcing someone to google via monetary bribe or holding them hostage

Henry: hey dude you should check out this u-google
Mike: Really
Henry: yeah U-google this for me
Mike: uhhh ok

by All-American-Badass April 6, 2009


The Bushism term for modernize, to take something old and to change it so it looks and or sounds like it is from the present (eg. a rewrite of an old novel)

Rick: What the hell am i suppose to do with this old novel again?
Teacher: you're suppose to modernficate it
Rick: ok i'll try to make it look modernified

by All-American-Badass April 6, 2009


The redneck way of saying propaganda. usually said by rednecks to claim that news is spitting out liberal, anti-redneck, and or pro-hippie propaganda

TV: NBC reports that truck/SUV drivers are the number one cause of global warming.
Redneck: damn NBC trying to spread their hippie properganda by attackin' SUV and Truck drivers. There aint no global warmin'

by All-American-Badass April 5, 2009

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž