Afrocano, Afrokano
A wide-range of People who are of the water and the spirit, the sun, Canada, Americas, Caribbean islands, and Other islands, including the Philippines, Samoa Islands, and Hawaii.
Afrokano Afrocano
People or person in the atmosphere, of the Water, the spirit , the sun, and the Blood, storytellers, Artists, and/or Musicians that are not white, black or African American. They inhabit the center of North America continent, or other countries around the world.
Afrokano people
Afrokano Fashion and designs, languages and dialects, Fine Arts, culinary Arts, Arts and crafts, beauticians, musicians, Stories, Architecture, etcâ¦
Réprézènté Afrokanas! pronounced We-pwe-zun-te Afwo-ka-nas
Afrocano languages or Afrokano lang, and dialects are unique and expressed differently depending on the region itâs in. These languages include Afrocano storytelling.
The word Afrocano being defined as a distinguished group of storytellers through the many forms of Arts. Afrocano languages uses dialects and word expressions as one of its many forms of communicating.