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decorative ribs

When you work in a toolshop, let’s say, in Oldcastle Ontario, and your toolmaker sees something he has no clue about what the function is, so he makes up such a wild idiotic assumption, it makes you question if he’s high, but he’s not, so you think he’s just retarded.

“These ribs cut into this core are so shallow, they must be decorative ribs…. “
“Dude, you’re retarded.”

by Allstar mold maker February 24, 2025


When you work at a toolshop, lets say it's in Oldcastle Ontario, and your designer continue to design cashew gates so flat that that look more like pickles than cashews, and you end up with .010' of steel above it that collapses and the part flashes.

Due, why is this parting line flashing over every gate area? It's all collapsed in... Oh man, you got yourself some picklegates right there....

by Allstar mold maker February 22, 2025