Source Code

The Josh Battle

April 24th, 12:00pm. The day where people with the name Josh gathered at these coordinates, (40.8223286, -96.7982002) they fought, whoever won got to keep the name, everyone else had to change their name, they had a year to prepare

Josh: Hey, remember April 24th?
Charlie: National R*pe Day?
Josh: No, you wafflehead! The Josh Battle!

by Allysa the dumbass April 25, 2021

Bop Beep Be Be skdoo bep

No one knows but its probably an insult

Senpai: Not bad for an ugly worm
Senpai: But this time I'll rip your nuts off right after your girlfriend finishes gargling mine
BF: Bop beep be be skdoo bep

by Allysa the dumbass April 25, 2021

16👍 2👎