Gabut is an Indonesian slang to describe a situation when someone do not have any activities.
A. Hey..what's up dude?
B. I am gabut, man
gercep is a blending words which is taken from Indonesian language (ger)akan (cep)at.
A. wee, kawan dong..ini tugas harus kumpul besok ooo..
B. Ok, B gercep saa
Japri is a slang word from Indonesia which mean JAlur PRIbadi or private line. The term is mostly use in social media context when someone wants to changed the conversation in a private way, not in a group of people.
A. Hi, guys we have another webinar for the next coming week.
B. Ow yaahhh..can't wait to see you guys..
C. Thank you sist.. you wanna spill the tea?
A. Japri!!
Unfaedah means unnecessary. It is an Indonesian slang. They borrow the affix un from English and combine with Indonesian word faedah that become unfaedah or unnecessary thing.
A. You should see a doctor with your headache.
B. Ahh..unfaedah advice.
Unfaedah is an Indonesian slang meaning unnecessary thing. It's a term used to address someone who talks or does unnecessary thing.
A. If you want to date her you have to go her mom personally and ask for permission.
B. What an unfaedah advice!
Rebahan is a slang word from Indonesian millenials to describe a situation when they don't want to do any activity. Just lay down on the bed along the day.
A. What do you do today?
B. Ooh.. I don't know. Just rebahan all the time.